Roger Hernández
Asesor Inmobiliario Internacional

Playas de Yucatán, Miami y Orlando FL. 


✓ Director Fundador del grupo


✓ Agente  Internacional 

exp-realty - White

✓ Encargado de Inversionistas en México para 


Logo red point usa colroes blanco

Sketch of a stylized forlorn woman

Feature one

Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.

Close-up of oil paint brush strokes, various shades of blue

Feature two

Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.

Closeup photograph of a marble bust of a head

Feature three

Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.